彙整: Courses
Equation of Straight Lines 直線的方程
Equation of Straight Lines 直線的方程
由 楊老師 任教
Lesson 1
- 平面上任何兩點之間的距離 Distance between any TWO POINTS on a Plane
- 傾角和斜率 Inclination and Slopes
- 直線斜率和方向的關係 Relationship between the slopes and the direction of a straight line
- 平行線、共線和垂直線 Parallel, Collinear and Perpendicular Lines
- 分點 Point of Division
- 在坐標平面上的變換 Transformation of points on coordinate plane
- 極坐標系 Polar coordinate system
- 求直線方程 Finding Equation of Straight Line
- 續直線方程 More about Equation of straight line
- 兩直線的相交點數目 Number of Intersections of Two Straight lines
- 直線方程及其圖像 Equation of Straight lines and its graph
- 點和線之間的距離 Distance between point and lines
Quadratic Equations in one unknown (II)
一元二次方程 (II)
Quadratic Equations in one unknown (II)
一元二次方程 (II)
由 楊老師 任教
- 二次方程的根的性質 Nature of Roots of a Quadratic Equations
- 二次函數的圖像 Graph of a Quadratic Function
- 由已知的根組成二次方程 Forming Quadratic Equation from Given Roots
- 二次函數的圖像 Graph of a Quadratic Function
- 由已知的根組成二次方程 Forming Quadratic Equation from Given Roots
Quadratic Equations in one unknown (I)
一元二次方程 (I)
Quadratic Equations in one unknown (I)
一元二次方程 (I)
由 楊老師 任教
Lesson 1
- 基礎知識重溫 Basic Knowledge Review
- 實數系 Real Number System
- 根式的運算 Operation on surds
- 以因式分解法解二次方程 Solving Quadratic Equation by the Factor Method
- 以配方法解二次方程 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing The Square Method
- 以二次公式解二次方程 Solving Quadratic Equations by Quadratic Formula
- 以圖解法解二次方程 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphical Method